Sabtu, 24 September 2011

Free Download Why China Will Never Rule the World:Travels in the Two Chinas, by Troy Parfitt

Free Download Why China Will Never Rule the World:Travels in the Two Chinas, by Troy Parfitt

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Why China Will Never Rule the World:Travels in the Two Chinas, by Troy Parfitt

Why China Will Never Rule the World:Travels in the Two Chinas, by Troy Parfitt

Why China Will Never Rule the World:Travels in the Two Chinas, by Troy Parfitt

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Why China Will Never Rule the World:Travels in the Two Chinas, by Troy Parfitt


Parfitt, who has taught English in Taiwan for over a decade, uses his experience there to start several months of travel through the People's Republic of China in order to challenge the assumptions that China will determine the course of the global economy in the next century. The result is mostly travelogue told from an outsider's perspective, contextualized with overviews of major events in Chinese history. Parfitt argues that China will not rule the world, because as a nation it is more interested in the appearance of success than actual substance. He suggests that culturally, China has little to offer. More importantly, the majority of goods currently being created in China come from non-Chinese companies, again proving a lack of innovation. Parfitt makes a compelling case from the microcosmic level for why it will be difficult for China to become the primary hegemonic force of the 21st century. However, his book lacks the pre-cise facts and figures that he decries in other books promoting Chinese dominance. Parfitt is a persuasive writer and readers will leave his tale scratching their heads and perhaps deciding that they do not want to visit China at all. --Publisher's Weekly, June 2011

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About the Author

The author of Notes from the Other China (New York: Algora Publishing, 2007), Troy Parfitt lived and worked as an English teacher in Seoul, South Korea and Taipei, Taiwan for nearly thirteen years. In 2009, he returned to Canada to take a teaching position at that country's oldest English-language university.

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Product details

Paperback: 424 pages

Publisher: Western Hemisphere Press (September 15, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0986803502

ISBN-13: 978-0986803505

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 1 x 8.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds

Average Customer Review:

3.7 out of 5 stars

54 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#761,719 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Excellent book packed with erudite insights and personal anecdotes from travel experience in both mainland and Taiwan. Compared to Age of Ambitions which is also an excellent non-fiction book on modern China (highly recommended as well), I think this book takes more issues deeply rooted in Chinese culture, history, and social values, e.g. Confucianism, Lao-ism, Legalism, beyond just politics. A stern indictment of decay in Chinese culture that I wish every Chinese could read and help correct to make the country truly great. But I am sure Mr. Parfitt's advice will be ignored and dismissed by majority Chinese. It's unfortunate.

I bought this book after seeing various articles about it when it was published.This is a grumpy but well-written travelogue about the author's experiences in China and Taiwan. He doesn't find much that he enjoys in China, but he explains his reasons why and backs up his points with references from history and society.The book is sometimes funny and just manages to stay within the territory of not going too far. It gets a little bit too long in some parts but it just about stayed ok.In particular I enjoyed the chapters where the author describes his experiences on Chinese public transport. I had the same experiences when travelling in China too!

I was drawn into this book by its auspicious title - if you're interested in China and it's development, it's as if you cannot miss this book. Despite the dramatic title, this turned out to be a well-informed book on China's development. Troy Parfitt, the author, demonstrates that he knows what is really going on in China. I've been living and doing business in mainland China (specifically Chengdu, the Sichuan capital) for over 7 years and with China's recent rise to prominence there have been a flurry of books published by Western "experts" who have no on the ground knowledge of China at all. Thankfully, this is not one of those books.I find that anyone from a Western country who spends many years in China will grow bitter and resentful about some of China's eccentricities. In this book, Troy Parfitt makes an argument and supports it with evidence collected interacting with Chinese people in China over many years. It's fair game to base a book around China's weaknesses, if you ask me. This is essentially one of those books.While reading this book, I silently nodded my head in agreement with the author's observations countless times. He really captures many of the small details of China that are rarely put into print. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know what the real China is like - the good and the bad.

Excellent Product and Service

I just read the Kindle edition and was delighted throughout. The book won't disappoint for sheer reading entertainment or for educational value as the author incorporates a very unique writing style (at least for me) of combining travelogue and personal anecdotes that intelligently intersperse with very interesting historical backdrops and cultural observations and analysis. I can also say the experiences of the author and his reactions to them strongly resonated, because I also spent 10 years in mainland China doing business and teaching English in the cities of Shanghai, Kunming and Shenzhen. For me, his boat trip down the Yangtse was hilarious in a way of making me both laugh and cry, and I felt I was there sharing in the seemingly mindless, maddening mayhem of the Chinese version of reality ("a mental ward without a roof"--as one fellow English teacher in Shanghai described it). I also think the assertion stated by the title was fairly and accurately defended. China has never led the world, it has never been the most advanced nation in the world, and China really has nothing of value to teach or contribute to humanity now. While I was in China, many times the sense came over me that even though the country was so enormous and ancient, it actually was very small and immature--a stunted society. The danger now is that a childish and megalomanic Chinese leadership puffed-up from China's recent (mostly foreign driven) meteoric economic rise, will actually believe its own hyper-nationalistic propaganda and attempt to assert its bellicose claims of superiority through militaristic means.I wanted to add that there is one aspect of Chinese culture I wish had been given some space--eating--because if there is one thing that typifies the China experience it is that. Although Chinese food can be really delicious and healthy, it got to the point with me that I could not tolerate sharing a meal because of the constant gutteral background cacophony of slurping, smacking, gurgling, snorting, sucking and sometimes clearing of phlegm and spitting (as loud as possible, please) that always accompanies it, along with everyone slobbering on their chopsticks before reinserting them into the communal pot for another morsel. It almost seemed that a better system of insuring the spread of communicable pathogens could not be devised.

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Why China Will Never Rule the World:Travels in the Two Chinas, by Troy Parfitt PDF

Why China Will Never Rule the World:Travels in the Two Chinas, by Troy Parfitt PDF

Why China Will Never Rule the World:Travels in the Two Chinas, by Troy Parfitt PDF
Why China Will Never Rule the World:Travels in the Two Chinas, by Troy Parfitt PDF

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